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contact Gonzo

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Formed by Kakio Yu and Tsukahara Yuya in 2006, contact Gonzo is currently based in Osaka. The current members are Tsukahara Yuya, Mikajiri Keigo, Matsumi Takuya and NAZE. The name of the performers/artists collective ‘contact Gonzo’ was inspired by ‘Gonzo journalism’, a form of journalism written in a highly personal writing style invented in the 1970s. The collective’s performance strongly emphasises improvisational interaction among performers that is often likened to fighting or martial arts, blurring the boundaries between violence and trust.
contact Gonzo has been presented in Japan, Singapore, New York, Moscow, Rio, Reykjavik, Zurich, Budapest and Ljubljana among other places.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.