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Nguyen Huyen

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Founder and Coordinator, Textile Linker, Hanoi

After completing her undergraduate studies in International Economics in Hanoi, Nguyen Huyen worked for a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in 2010 in the mountainous northern Vietnamese province of Dien Bien, where she discovered a love for ethnic textiles through efforts in supporting local artisans to improve their livelihood. This experience led to her decision to undertake her Master’s Degree in Social Entrepreneurship in 2012 in Liege, Belgium.

With a wholehearted commitment to contributing in her native Vietnam, Nguyen founded Textile Linker in 2017 as a not-for-profit project committed to exploring Vietnamese heritage textiles. She works closely with artisans and helps to share the inside stories of textile making, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of the local craft and design sectors.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.