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Cosmin Costinas

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Executive Director and Curator, Para Site, Hong Kong

Born in 1982 in Romania, Cosmin Costinas has been the Executive Director and Curator of Para Site, Hong Kong since 2011. He was Guest Curator at the Dakar Biennale 2018, La Biennale de l’Art africain contemporain, DAK’ART (2018), Curator of the Dhaka Art Summit 18’ (2018), Co-curator of the 10th Shanghai Biennale (2014), Curator of BAK-basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht (2008-2011), Co-curator of the 1st Ural Industrial Biennial, Ekaterinburg (2010), and Editor of documenta 12 Magazines, documenta 12, Kassel (2005–2007). Costinas co-authored the novel Philip (2007), and has edited and contributed to numerous books, magazines, and exhibition catalogues. He has also taught and lectured at various universities, art academies, and educational institutions across the world. Costinas currently lives and works in Hong Kong.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.