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Liu Xiao

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Curator of the Second Hangzhou Triennial of Fibre Art in 2016, co-curator of the ‘Social Factory: The 10th Shanghai Biennale’ in 2014, and curator of the ‘Resolution Power’ exhibition in West Bond 2013: A Biennial of Architecture and Contemporary Art. Graduating from the Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thoughts in China Academy of Art, Xiao – a former researcher in the Guangdong Museum of Art – has in recent years been deeply involved in large-scale academic exhibitions and the West Bond Biennial of Architecture and Contemporary Art.

In addition to organising numerous exhibitions, Xiao also helped publish several books including Farewell to Post-Colonialism and related series (2008-2012), Rehearsal (2010), Ho Chi Minh Trail (2010), Reactivation: the 9th Shanghai Biennial (2012), The Academy of Reciprocal Enlightenment Series (2012), and Social Factory: the Tenth Shanghai Biennial (2014).

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