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Based on the topic “Textile and Responsibility”, we invited key stakeholders across textile related communities, to express their views at ‘Let’s Chat’.

Session 1 | Weaving with Technology
Speaker: Yan Chan, Director, Business Development, Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA)

Can fabric be made of food waste? Can sunlight be a cleaning agent? Have you ever wondered about the possibility of an automated self-cleaning fabric to save manpower and water? HKRITA has been introducing hi-tech applications into Hong Kong’s textile industry that won many awards. In ‘Let’s Chat’, they shared the sciences of textile technology development.

Founded in 2006, HKRITA provides an one-stop service for technique transfer and R&D commercialisation that contributes to the textile and garment industry and economy development at large.”

Session 2 | Weaving with Human Rights
Speakers: Neighbourhood and Worker’s Service Centre (NWSC), HERproject

In a post-industrial society, factory workers were marginalised and forced to shift their career. In the glorious days of manufacturing industry in Hong Kong, however, workers at spinning mills worked on twelve-hour shifts. This was reduced to eight when the worker rights were much improved; annual bonus could be up to several months’ salary. Representatives of Neighbourhood and Worker’s Service Centre (NWSC) and HERproject shared the good and bad aspects of workers’ lives.

About NWSC
Founded in 1985 and rooted in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Ching districts, NWSC holds its purpose to serve the grassroot workers and citizens.

About HERproject
HERproject established a decade ago and has a global mission to assist female grassroots, to build supporting networks and improve their lives.

Session 3 | Weaving with Words Sharing
Speakers: Yuen Che Hung (Uncle Hung) and Choi Yuk Kuen, Bouie

‘Weaving with Words’ is a part of our cross-disciplinary project that started off with writing. Renowned story-teller Yuen Che Hung (Uncle Hung) has created a poetry work about textile history in Tsuen Wan, whilst illustrator Choi Yuk Kuen, Bouie responded to Uncle Hung’s text with her drawings. The criss-crossing of textual and visual works formed a beautiful tale of Tsuen Wan.

About Yuen Che Hung – Uncle Hung
Storyteller, poet. Worked as an educator at secondary schools, kindergartens and theatre groups. He founded ‘Tales Tell’, a monthly storytelling project across districts in Hong Kong.

About Choi Yuk Kuen, Bouie
Born in 1987 and lives in Tsuen Wan. In this project, she explored the lesser-known aspect of her community through illustration.

About Book Publication: ‘Weaving with Words
‘The Chinese radical ‘糸’ represents ‘fine silk’; many Chinese characters that share this Chinese radical are related to ‘weaving’ and ‘spinning’ in meaning. Weaving with Words is a book publication by CHAT, it was a part of their cross-disciplinary project that started off with writing. CHAT invited renowned storyteller and poet Yuen Che Hung (Uncle Hung) to create a poetry work about textile history in Tsuen Wan, whilst illustrator Choi Yuk Kuen, Bouie responded to Uncle Hung’s text with her drawings. Through this collaboration by the two artists, we wish to provide a channel for more imagination and understanding on weaving and community among the public.

Session 4 | Weaving with Heart
Speakers: Helen Tam, Ken Hung

Helen Tam learnt how to sew by chance. From making clothes for nieces to creating her own brand, Helen has been flying solo since the day she started. What are the ups and downs in making clothes for others? Hong Kong fashion designer Ken Hung, joined Helen to share about the fashion design business.

About Helen Tam
Entered the garment industry in 1980s. Her brand ‘Lovely Handmade by Helen’ specialises in hand-made children dresses, assisted by her sister and sewing ladies. Her works can be seen during local weekend fairs.

About Ken Hung
Born in 1981, Hong Kong fashion designer. Hung studied fashion design in Bunka Fashion College, Tokyo, Japan, specialises in pattern making.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.