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LET’S WEAVE: Public Weaving

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For over half a year in 2017, CHAT organised Weaving Wednesday to connect to different communities.  To share the joy and magic of weaving, we hosted a special edition on a Saturday.  There were 6 kinds of looming demonstrations and exercises using upcycled materials:

Backstrap Loom – the oldest form of loom in the world;
Portable Weaving Grid – A hands-on weaving kit enabled crisscrossing threads and fabric on recycled wooden frame;
Weaving Square – an action-filled square-shaped floating installation for 4 participants to weave simultaneously;
Cardboard-Can-Loom – An eco-friendly, cost-effective recycled cardboard loom stretched the limit of weaving;
Pang Jai Knitting Machine – Master Wong demonstrated the efficient way of mechanical weaving;
Great Weaving Wall – Created a colourful artwork across poles and fences at Fuk Loi Estate.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.