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Sarah Lai

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“Born in 1983, lives and works in Hong Kong. Lai has explored to translate various unique textures into different forms and media. The subjects in her paintings and installations are seemingly banal and mundane, however, she carefully depicts the power, politics and historical narratives behind these ordinary objects.

Lai’s recent exhibitions include “Interval in Space” hosted by Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong (2017); “Let the night breeze send away yesterday’s dreams” at Surplus Space, Wuhan, China (2017); “Against the Light: Sampling in Two Cities” at FY Foundation in Shenzhen, China (2017); “In Stasis”, Para Site in Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2015) and “Spotting the Light onto a Light”, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong (2013). Her work is in the collection of Hong Kong Museum of Art.”

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.