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Frankie Su

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(Director, Hong Gah Museum, Taiwan)

Frankie Su is based in Taipei, Taiwan. She received a MA degree with distinction from Department of History of Art, University of Essex. Su worked as assistant curator in Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei between 2003 to 2006, then she moved to Beijing to join the initiative team of setting up Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art located in 798 Art District in Beijing. Su is now Director of Hong-Gah Museum, a privately-funded contemporary art museum located in Taipei, and is one of the executive board members of Taipei Contemporary Art Centre.

She received a grant from Contemporary Art Foundation for a curatorial research trip in Europe in 2009 and a fellowship grant from The National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) to work with Independent Curators International to enhance the exchange and dialogue with Asian artists and curators.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.