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Nguyen Nhu Huy

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(Co-Artistic Director, ZeroStation, Vietnam)

Visual artist, independent curator, art critic and poet. His art practices concern about the relationship between present and past, and the intervention of different temporal-spatial dimensions. His works have been shown internationally in Japan, France, and USA. Nhu Huy has been writing, translating and publishing domestically and internationally on Vietnam contemporary art, culture, and art theory, and has been guest speaker for numerous international conferences.

Huy is the founder and artistic director of ZeroStation, Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam. In general, this is a project-based space with residency program for international artists and showcases local and international projects. The main concept of ZeroStation is to develop the kind of contemporary art in Vietnam that is more engaging than spectacle, more critical than exotic. The main mission of ZeroStation is to create more opportunities for dialoguing, thinking, and working among local and international artists on social and cultural issues.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.