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Him Lo

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(Curator, Learning and Community, Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile, Hong Kong)

Curator of Learning and Community of Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile as well as a multidisciplinary artist based in Hong Kong. He graduated from Middlesex University (BA in Illustration) in 2004, Rmit University (BA in Fine Arts) in 2008 and Lingnan University (Master in Cultural Studies) in 2014. For the last few years, he has been actively involved in community art and community empowerment. Before joining Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile, he was curator of the Hong Kong House of Stories since 2012, which strives to arouse public concern on the conservation of local culture. Lo also initiated several community groups like “Wan Chai Kai Fong Chateau”, “People’s Pitch” and “Ching Chun Warehouse”.

Lo values the most in community art – to encourage public re-imagining their rights to utilise public spaces in the city. The ultimate goal is to build a sense of recognition and belonging to Hong Kong local community, and to encourage people to be creative in daily life through different platforms.

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Special Arrangement

CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.