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Rizo Leong

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(Pangrok Sulap, Artist collective, Malaysia)

Rizo Leong is an artist who believes that a child is the father of the man. Born in Sabah as the third of eight siblings, he currently lives and works in Ranau, Malaysia. Leong is a self-taught artist known for delivering messages through wood block prints. Leong’s art mainly focuses on culture and traditions, the environment, and a touch of politics. His work displays a message uniquely and mostly reflecting social issues.

He is actively involved in volunteering and social activism. He collaborates with several local NGOs to creating awareness through art. He uses an artistic approach to express the voices of rural citizens. Leong is co-founder of Pangrok Sulap, the art collective with a group of artists, musicians and social activists with the purpose of empowering rural communities through art with the DIY concept.

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CHAT will be closed on 20 April (Saturday) for private event and will be reopened on 21 April. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.